We help intuitive Earth-loving people to go from feeling powerless and alone to knowing that magic is real, it lives in them, and their magic can have a positive impact on their everyday lives and the world around them.
To create a safe space for seekers to connect, learn, share, and co-create with their intuition, nature, spirit, and community.
You don’t need an intermediary to talk to your intuition or spirit/god/goddess/source/divine - you ARE your own best connection to spirit.
You CAN create a thriving, aligned life on your own terms through connecting with and following the guidance of your intuition, nature, and spirit.
Embodying your truth, magic, and medicine freely in the world is a powerful path for personal evolution and raising the collective consciousness of humanity.
Earth and the cosmos are alive and speaking to us and offer powerful healing and guidance.
Connection is the balm that heals our fragmented, wounded selves, Earth, and society.
Being seen, heard, witnessed, and supported in a safe space with people who get you is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate your journey into embodying your truth, magic, and medicine.
Creating and having space within yourself and in your outer life are key to co-creating the realities you want to be living.
The weird in me honors the weird in you.

The Earth Speak Team
CO-Founder · Podcast Hostess · awareness activator
Aquarius Sun / Capricorn Moon / Taurus Rising
Human Design: Reflector
Instagram: @earthspeak
I love that people are remembering who they are as nature and spirit, reawakening to the deep magic, medicine, and beauty of what it is to be ALIVE. I am thrilled to be helping people remember their truths, reclaim their powers, and BE what they came here to be with joy, plenty, and play in the Earth Speak way.
Divine Love. Earth and nature spirits, especially the beauty and spirits of the elements, plants, and fungi. Shamanic elders who have held this wisdom and knowing for all time and continue to pass it onwards to new hearts and minds. The joy of connecting and playing with people I love. You.
Co-Founder · Operations · Brand alchemist
Taurus Sun / Aquarius Moon / Leo Rising
Human Design: Projector
Instagram: @shawna.cason | @scentient.botanicals
I find inspiration from all aspects of life but most notably nature and human connection. I bring experience and awareness from being a white assuming mixed-race black woman living in America. As a student of Psychological Ethnic Anthropology, I enjoy liberating folks from aspects of what makes them feel othered by society. There is nothing that I cherish more than to witness others awaken in their power and to evolve their way of thinking for the purpose of helping humans co-exist in harmony with each other, and the divine purpose of our planet. The Earth truly does speak through us. All we have to do is listen.
The divine and our collective love. Flowers. My strong-willed ancestors who found a way to be a beacon of light during times of oppression. The spirit of cannabis, ayahuasca, blue lotus, the ocean, mountains, rain, elephants, and white buffalo inspire me.
Sagittarius Sun / Taurus Moon / Taurus Rising
Human Design: Manifesting Generator
Instagram: @talk_tothetrees
I feel at home when I’m with the plants, in natural spaces. In these spaces I feel inspired, and loved, and the fire that burns inside me - that hopes for a world with a deeper connection to Earth, and appreciation of Indigenous wisdom - is fueled. I hope to inspire this connection in others, through my work and creative projects. More and more I’m finding my place in supporting others and their work.
I’m influenced by the Earth, by slowness, by softness. By past, present and future Witches, and makers, and Earth tenders.
Aquarius sun / Capricorn moon / Pisces rising
Human design: Generator
Instagram: @sacredsolstice
Creatrix, sun worshipper, wild spirit. I believe in energetic alchemy, curiosity, the transcendental nature of Spirit, and the powerful thread that unites all beings. I seek community, passion, and radical honesty. I’m inspired by the unspoken dance of life, the love, and the divine patterns that remind us how great we all are. By slowing down to the rhythm of nature, we find the frequencies that speak to our ancestral bodies, opening portals to healing and discovery. You just have to tune in— we’re all family here.
Vibe Manager · Channeler · Spiritual Gamer
Taurus Sun / Gemini Moon / Sagittarius Rising
Human Design: Manifesting Generator
Instagram: @quirky.ten
Forever a student of the Universe, you will always find me learning and delving into the depths of the unknown. I love sharing my knowledge, gifts, and energy by empowering, encouraging and opening doors for those who are open to receive.
The Pothos Plant. Always able to survive, revive and thrive. Its willingness to overcome and begin again is something I greatly admire.
A spirit council made up of many beings holding the energy and space for all who are reawakening to the magic and medicine of their truths as nature and spirit.